Hi there. I'm sorry that you've stumbled upon this blog. There's nothing of interest here. No deep displays of artistry, no promises of grand projects, not even an interesting display of proper blogging. Nope, I'm just using this platform to post my daily writing exercises. Rough and terrible fictional short works that probably won't amount to anything, but I thought it might be a good idea to find someplace to put them. I'm usually a pen and paper kind of guy, but the corners of my room are filled nearly to the ceiling with crumpled, scrawled on pieces of paper and dead dreams. So like most artists, I've decided to go digital. Save paper, force myself through my own personal shame and share my "work" to the void, and maybe use this as a way to build up a more consistent writing routine. I don't know. I imagine if anyone has actually stumbled upon this post, they've more than likely stopped reading by now and I am, more or less, just talking to myself. But I guess that's kind of what this blog is about. Me talking to myself, day dreaming silly scenarios, and just getting lost in my own head for a little while. If you've read this far, again I apologize for your wasted time. But while you're here, take a seat, relax, and welcome to The Trash Bin.